Commercial Services

We offer services to eliminate nuisance birds from nesting on rooftops, causing unsightly problems with droppings, and general bird occupation to commercial industries.

Before Sky Predators

Gulls roosting and nesting on a rooftop.

This customer had tried using common deterrents such as owl statues placed on the roof where the gulls were, but this did nothing for the problem.

Gull Flock
Owl Statue
Owl Statue
Gull Nest

After Sky Predators

As you can see, the gull problem has been resolved with the use of falconry based bird abatement.

With yearly abatement done during the time gulls are looking for spots to nest/roost, the issue can be curbed before there becomes a problem.

At Sky Predators Bird Abatement, we pride ourselves on delivering top-quality services, and we are eager to provide our expert falconry-based solutions to address any bird-related challenges at you are facing.

Contact us for more information on your Commercial needs!

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